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It takes a lot of patience to seize the day

○ Aiming at the low-altitude economy, the newly signed Guangdong Zhilian oil-electric hybrid UAV project landed in Jiangbei New Area Research and Innovation Park; Strengthen the regional leading industries, and promote the Shanghai Tongshu Gene tumor gene diagnosis project to settle in Nanjing Biomedical Valley; Strengthen patient capital and join hands with Xianfeng Investment to establish a new 300 million yuan biomedical industry fund ……

○ Since the beginning of this year, Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Industrial Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Industrial Investment Group) has focused on its main responsibilities and main businesses, clarified the main direction of attack, deepened capital cooperation, planned and formulated investment paths, extended and expanded the industrial chain, and promoted production with investment with a vigorous attitude.01Patient capital, long-term accompaniment

○ Guiding capital to be a “friend of time” is what the industrial investment group is doing.

 Deeply cultivated in the market for more than 20 years, focusing on the research and development of cutting-edge technologies of radar and electronic communications, Weixiang Technology is now ushering in a new round of development opportunities. While busy choosing a site for regional headquarters to expand business, while planning to enter the new track of low-altitude economy, in the face of complex internal and external environment superimposed transformation of insufficient financial support and other problems, enterprises called “great pressure”.

○ At this juncture, the industrial investment fund under the Industrial Investment Group made a decisive move and took out tens of millions of yuan in one go, not emphasizing short-term gains, but only to promote investment and casting roles for the industrial development of Jiangbei New Area. In this way, it not only solves the urgent needs of the enterprise, but also drives more than 100 million yuan of social capital to continue to follow up.

○ On April 30 this year, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting and proposed patient capital for the first time. On August 6, Jiangbei New Area issued the implementation plan for the construction of fund agglomeration area and the recruitment announcement of market-oriented sub-funds of industrial parent funds, and on the same day, Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Fund Cluster Area and Insurance Asset Management Yangtze River Delta Shared Office Center were inaugurated. The so-called patient capital, as the name suggests, is “long money”, which is not disturbed by short-term market fluctuations, insists on value investment and emphasizes long-term returns.

○ As the main body of industrial investment and development in Jiangbei New Area, it is a major path for the industrial investment group to make efforts to attract investment this year.

○ “We will invest in whatever Jiangbei New Area needs. The relevant person in charge of the strategic investment department of the industrial investment group expressed the investment philosophy in this way. On the one hand, by strengthening the chain and extending the chain, the existing industries in the new area will be revitalized; On the other hand, we will start to cultivate and incubate strategic emerging industries such as integrated circuits, biomedicine, intelligent manufacturing, new materials and software information, as well as future disruptive industries, so as to seize new tracks and cultivate new kinetic energy.

○ When investment promotion enters the second half, how to use new tricks in the traditional way of play, and achieve more projects to take root downward and characteristic industries to grow upwards within the region? In the view of the investment department of the production and investment group, it is necessary to leverage capital with funds and introduce industries with capital, so as to introduce a number of excellent projects and play a leading role in regional economic and industrial development.

○ A vivid case is that a few days ago, the Industrial Investment Group joined hands with the well-known investment institution Xianfeng Capital, and the two sides reached a cooperation to establish a new industrial fund with a scale of 300 million yuan, focusing on investment and financing in the field of biomedical industry. Ding Zhi, the strategic investment department of the industrial investment group, said that this cooperation is extraordinary: high-quality investment institutions can often release strong gravitational waves, and take advantage of the resource advantages of leading capital institutions to help more high-quality projects be attracted, retained and developed well.

○ Ding Zhi introduced that at present, affected by unfavorable factors in the external environment, market fund investment is generally “cold”. However, the leading capital institutions can still maintain their determination and choose the best of the best. Taking Xianfeng Capital, which is cooperated with the production investment group, as an example, the investment institution has invested in 22 medical-related enterprises in the past three years, with a total of more than 10 billion yuan in financing, and the valuation of many companies has skyrocketed by 10 times. Nasdaq-listed Genmab once spent $1.8 billion to acquire its incubator Pufang Biotech, and the company’s valuation soared 60 times overnight.

○ Breaking the problem with funds, “marrying” social high-quality capital institutions, jumping out of a new path to attract investment, and attracting large projects according to the map, this is the wisdom of the investment promotion of the industrial investment group fund.

○ This summer, Jiangbei New Area held a groundbreaking ceremony for major projects – the Nanjing Special Gas Production Center project invested by Baoying (Nanjing) Gas Co., Ltd. with an investment of 150 million yuan started in Nanjing Jiangbei New Material Science and Technology Park. The new project plans to use the purification technology combining adsorption, distillation and ultrafiltration to build the first 8,000 tons/year ultra-high purity ammonia (optoelectronic grade) production center in Nanjing. As early as three years ago, the Industrial Investment Group saw the development potential of Baoying Gases, and injected capital through its industrial fund, the Green Action New Materials Venture Capital Fund, to help the company grow.

○ Not long ago, the investment promotion staff learned that another power battery company invested by the fund has the intention of building a new production base. After learning the information, the main leaders of the group immediately led a team to negotiate. At present, after several rounds of negotiations with the industry investment group and the park, the company has clearly expressed its intention to land, and is discussing the landing plan in detail.

02Precise investment promotion, take the initiative to change

○ The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization, which was deliberated and adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, clearly states that it is necessary to build a unified national market, standardize local laws and regulations for attracting investment, and strictly prohibit the granting of preferential policies in violation of laws and regulations. Since August 1, the “Regulations on Fair Competition Review” has been officially implemented, prohibiting a number of behaviors that affect fair competition and the construction of a unified national market.

○ On the north bank of the Yangtze River, the industry investment group strives to innovate the investment promotion method, and carries out the four-in-one investment promotion work from the carrier, capital, industrial ecology and other elements required for the development of the enterprise, that is, the industrial park takes the lead, the production and investment is empowered, the fund is leveraged, and the special class is promoted, so as to build an investment promotion pattern of “park + production investment + fund + special class”, and realize the sustainable resonance of the same frequency with the enterprise.

○ In the middle of summer, the sun is like fire, walking into the newly built Nanyuan Neighborhood Service Center, looking at the office space in front of him is being renovated, the person in charge of Nanjing Peiland Technology Co., Ltd. can hardly suppress his excitement. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of “Special Call”, the company plans to use new energy charging piles as a fulcrum to fully roll out the operation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and other businesses.

○ Since the beginning of this year, the industry investment group has carried out an all-staff competition, and the competition field is the stage for attracting investment. Regardless of each other, everyone is the main body of investment, everything is the image of investment, and it is always the time period for investment.

○ What is this all-hands competition in?

○ It is investment efficiency than that. “Don’t stay overnight, never say no”, so that the information is analyzed immediately, the project is quickly negotiated, the appeal is replied to in a timely manner, and the problem is not easily said when encountered, and strive to find a way to solve the problem. Treating people sincerely, having clear policies, diligent communication, service ability, and accounting banking, the industrial investment group insists on promoting investment promotion pragmatically and efficiently as Party B.

○ It is investment quality than investment. A number of projects such as Guangdong Zhilian Oil-Electric Hybrid UAV Project, Shanghai Tongshu Gene Tumor Gene Gene Diagnosis Project, and Suzhou Udas Long-distance Ultrasonic Sensor Project have successfully landed in the new area, and a number of projects such as an industrial and commercial energy storage project and an all-solid-state battery project have a strong willingness to land in the new area.

○ It is a safeguard mechanism than that. “One leader” grasps investment, “a bright group”, “a regular meeting every week”, “one report every month” and other “four ones” to strengthen the promotion mechanism, every day to light the project (information), weekly progress, monthly results, through the bright comparison to stimulate all staff to work hard, to create a strong atmosphere of attracting investment and really grasping investment.

○ With the competition as the starting point, the investment boom is surging everywhere: in the first half of this year, the industry investment group attracted 15 new projects, more than half of the total number of projects with more than 100 million yuan, and nearly 60 new enterprises settled in science and technology carriers.

○ In May this year, the Industrial Investment Group signed a cooperation agreement with Annuoxin, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Huayang Pharmaceutical, to increase capital and expand production with a value of 100 million yuan, focusing on the research and development of new drugs, and planning to build a regional center integrating R&D, production and sales.

○ According to the relevant person in charge of Beilian Assets, a subsidiary of the Industrial Investment Group, this promising project is an unexpected surprise in the process of the team’s precise docking and service enterprises. “In the past period of time, we have comprehensively sorted out the list of enterprises that have settled in the group’s scientific research office carriers, and conducted door-to-door visits in accordance with the principle of ‘one enterprise and one policy’.” Find out the bottom line, the main person in charge of the group leads the team, asks the needs of the enterprise face-to-face, solves problems in a real way, and seeks a new path and adds impetus to the enterprise. Annoxin is a treasure project encountered in the process of visiting service enterprises.

○ The introduction of new projects is a shortcut to expand the total amount of the real economy, and to help and support the growth and development of local enterprises, this secondary investment model can not only save costs, but also promote the large-scale development of existing enterprises.

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