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Nanjing’s “Thousands of Schools and Thousands of Enterprises” Zijin Action – Entering the University Science and Technology Park of Nanjing University of Technology


On the afternoon of July 31, Nanjing’s specialized, special and new “thousands of schools and thousands of enterprises” Zijin action entered the University Science and Technology Park of Nanjing University of Technology, and Sinopec Yangzi Petrochemical Co., Ltd., a leading enterprise in the industry, released the needs of intelligent transformation and digital transformation. Nanjing Yunwen Network Technology Co., Ltd. has released the R&D needs of medical and health close intelligent products and enterprise privatization knowledge models.

At the event site, the University Science and Technology Park of Nanjing University of Technology introduced the main practices of promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and building an innovation and entrepreneurship service platform, and four researchers from the School of Computer and Information Engineering shared the research results of key technologies for the integration of virtual and physical systems in industrial digital twins, the application practice of intelligent IoT and digital twin technology, the achievements of intelligent paradigm in the dual-driven field of “large model + knowledge graph”, and the achievements of multimodal information intelligent analysis technology.

The relevant person in charge of the college said that Nanjing’s “Thousands of Schools and Thousands of Enterprises” Zijin Action is an important means to “strengthen the main position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation” and “strengthen the deep integration of industry, university and research led by enterprises”. Through face-to-face exchanges between schools and enterprises, the major industrial innovation needs and key technical problems of enterprises can be condensed into key projects and research topics, which effectively improves the collaborative innovation efficiency of universities and enterprises.

Since last year, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology has thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important congratulatory letter to the 2022 National Conference on the Development of Specialized, Specialized and New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, continued to amplify the advantages of Nanjing’s science and education resources, and insisted on carrying out the Zijin Action of “Thousands of Schools and Thousands of Enterprises”, and has successfully held a number of activities with Nanjing University, Southeast University, Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing University of Industry and Technology, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Jinling Institute of Science and Technology, Nanjing Institute of Technology and other universities, and the concept of school-enterprise collaborative innovation is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The innovation vitality of small and medium-sized enterprises has been continuously enhanced, which has effectively promoted the leapfrog growth of specialized and special new enterprise groups.

At present, the city has cultivated a total of 31 national manufacturing individual champion enterprises and 213 national specialized, special and new “little giant” enterprises. In 2023, there will be 13 new national manufacturing individual champion enterprises in the city, ranking first in the province and fourth in the country; There are 107 new national specialized, special and new “little giant” enterprises, ranking eighth in the country, and the total number has doubled.

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