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It is not a lonely person to make innovative drugs

innovative drugs

Within 3-5 years, we will definitely have 1-2 new drugs on the market.”

○ “Here, it is not a lonely brave person to make ‘innovative drugs’, and there are many innovative pharmaceutical companies at various stages around me.”

○ “When I first came here, it was a remote park that no one knew about, but this year our products came out, and this is already a new city with a new shape.”


○ After more than ten years of development, more than 1,300 enterprises have gathered in the biomedical valley, and an innovation system of the whole life and health industry chain has been initially formed, led by the gene and cell industry, with innovative drugs and high-end medical devices as the manufacturing cluster, and inspection and testing, CXO, and pharmaceutical circulation services as the characteristics. A number of enterprises that have grown here have entered or are entering a period of explosive results.

01A batch of new products from “China Nanjing Medicine Valley”

○ No. 136, Huakang Road, Biomedical Valley Industrial Zone, which is the location of Jiangsu Weikaier Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. Recently, there has been good news here, the second-generation selective JAK1 inhibitor VC005 tablets independently developed by Vikel have obtained positive results in phase II clinical trials for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis, and there is good feedback on both efficacy and safety, especially in terms of safety, which is significantly higher than existing products on the market.

○ The 6.82 square kilometers industrial zone has a high concentration of innovation and abundant achievements, and hides a group of innovative powerhouses that are moving towards industrialization. On Huakang Road alone, where Weikai is located, there are many companies such as Shihe Gene, Nanwei Medicine, and Reindeer Biotechnology, all of which have launched breakthrough innovative products in their respective fields.

○ In May this year, Finevision2000, the first domestic “femtosecond laser corneal refractive surgery equipment” developed by Xianwei Vision Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. with 100% independent intellectual property rights rolled off the production line in Nanjing. At present, the product has completed nearly 1,000 animal experiments and laboratory studies, and is accelerating the registration of clinical trials.

○ Looking at the entire park, more than 70 products have entered the Nanjing Innovative Product Promotion Catalog, and there are more than 200 innovative drug products under development, many of which have entered the clinical trial stage. With the biomedical valley as the main position, the gene and cell technology innovation industrial cluster and the biopharmaceutical product manufacturing innovation industrial cluster in Jiangbei New Area have been selected as provincial and national innovative industrial clusters respectively.

○ Behind the large and small enterprises that have no distractions to study and innovate is the service of a group of confidants who understand the industry. The biomedical valley has set up a special class for service enterprises and a global grid organization system, and has completed three rounds of enterprise visits. As long as it is a blockage and difficulty encountered in the development of the enterprise, the special class will be present and there will be a response. At the same time, the park also formulates a service enterprise plan according to the common problems raised by enterprises to improve the efficiency of problem solving.

○ The development of the enterprise is the best signboard for investment attraction in the park. Biopharma Valley has set up an investment promotion team system of “1 support center + 4 investment promotion groups”, which are aimed at cell and gene therapy and new therapies, innovative drugs, high-end medical devices (including in vitro diagnostic reagents), R&D and production CXO enterprises and life science tools and other industrial fields. Since the beginning of this year, a number of high-quality projects have been signed.

#02“Full-chain” innovation ecosystem

○ Simber Biotech is the third project of Simcere Pharmaceutical’s Luozi Biomedical Valley, but the company does not send special personnel to the project site of Simcere Pharmaceutical, and fully entrusts the park to handle related matters, which is a real trust. The project was implemented in February, the preliminary work of project construction was started in March, and the project was successfully started in July…… During the four-month preliminary work of the project construction, the staff of the park assisted the enterprise in handling almost all matters except for determining the design plan. That trust has not been betrayed.

○ On the basis of the whole chain guarantee mechanism, Biomedical Valley has created a four-in-one innovation ecology of “learning, research, production and application”, and made every effort to promote the “whole chain connection” from research to production. Less than 3 years after landing in the Biomedical Valley, the five series of products of “Kirin Knife” of Zhongke Chaojing (Nanjing) Technology Co., Ltd. have all been approved by the medical device registration certificate issued by the State Food and Drug Administration, creating the fastest record in the industry. At the beginning of this year, the first batch of orders for “Kirin Knife” was delivered. In the Department of Radiology, which is half an hour’s drive away from the Super Precision Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the “Kirin Knife” equipment has been “working” here for nearly half a year, providing precision radiotherapy for cancer patients every day.

○ In February this year, the Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Biomedical Collaborative Innovation Alliance was established in Nanjing Biomedical Valley. The alliance has built a multi-party co-construction, co-governance and sharing platform of “hospital-enterprise-government-service”, and cultivated the innovation ecosystem of the biomedical industry in Jiangbei New Area guided by the innovation and application of biomedical products. The cooperation between Zhongke Chaojing and the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University was thus promoted. Through the alliance, 17 projects in the park have cooperated with the Jiangbei Branch of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital to carry out clinical research, and enterprises such as Zhongke Super Precision and Tuohong have jointly carried out project R&D transformation with the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University.

○ Whether it is an innovative drug or a high-end medical device, the smooth transformation from research to production requires a large amount of continuous capital investment. On the one hand, Biomedical Valley has built a roadshow platform to link social capital for enterprises. On the other hand, in collaboration with the Jiangbei New Area High-quality Development Industry Fund, Yaogu has set up 2 industrial special funds, and has also cooperated with institutions to set up market-oriented funds. In addition, the park cooperates with the Science and Technology Investment Group to jointly set up an early-stage biomedical fund and a pathfinder fund for direct investment. The three different types of funds are designed to provide assistance to enterprises at different stages of development. Along the innovation chain, from 0 to 1 to N, the long road of innovation transformation, what enterprises need most is a good ecology that can continue to provide nutrients.

03Industrial advancement leads the growth of the city

○ In June, Jiangbei New Area held a mobilization meeting to promote effective investment and construction. At the meeting, it was proposed that “effective” is to choose the right track, face the future, and take the development of new quality productivity as the goal-oriented.

○ Recently, the Life and Health Office of Jiangbei New Area signed a contract with the National Biochemical Engineering Technology Research Center of Southern University of Technology, and the two sides will cooperate to jointly build the industrial base of Jiangsu Synthetic Biology Basic Research Center.

○ Synthetic biology is known as a sunrise industry leading the “third biotechnology revolution”, and it is very hot at the moment, and the market prospect is promising. From the central government to many provinces across the country, synthetic biology has been included in the key development of future industries, including Jiangsu. Synthetic biology is one of the new tracks to be developed in the Biomedical Valley.

○ In April this year, Biomedical Valley led the 2nd Synthetic Biology Industry Expo 2024. Among the newly signed projects in the Biomedical Valley this year, there are already several companies in the field of synthetic biology. After the landing of the industrial base of the Synthetic Biology Basic Research Center, it will help synthetic biology enterprises to leapfrog from research to production and accelerate the transformation of achievements.

○ It is advanced with industry, and there is also city. In the eyes of this entrepreneur who has grown up with Medicine Valley, in addition to the industrial environment suitable for enterprise development, the urban environment is also continuously optimized.

○ In the southwest corner of Building 16 of the treehouse where Xianwei Vision is located, the first life service supporting carrier of the Biomedical Valley, the vitality source commercial block, opened in May last year. At present, Vitality Source has introduced a number of brand merchants, catering, hotels, gyms, etc.

○ Around 3 p.m., Starbucks was packed. The scene here is slightly different from the general downtown café, and even more lively than the ordinary café, where most of the people sitting are business people dressed in formal clothes, talking about cutting-edge technology and cooperative trade.

○ The Zhongdanyuan Party and Mass Service Center opposite the source of vitality is also very lively this summer. For the first time, the biomedical valley opened the “Grain School” summer nursery class to solve the troubles of bringing babies during the summer vacation for the employees of enterprises in the park.

○ “My mom works in Block B. “My mother is a medicine collector.” “I know my dad is genetic.” …… The little “grains” who “work” in the park with their parents every day not only spent a rich summer vacation life, but also deepened their understanding of their parents’ working environment.

○ On July 23, the Biomedical Valley Maker Apartment “opened its doors to welcome guests”, and 538 single-bedroom apartments that can be moved in with bags were fully opened for leasing to enterprises in the park. The apartment is located in the central area of the R&D area and the industrial zone, with convenient transportation and complete facilities, and some corporate residents will move in on the same day.

○ At the foot of Longwang Mountain, industry and city advance together, and a “new medical city” that is suitable for creation, business and livability is worth looking forward to.

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