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Wetsus is a European Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology, based in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands. Established in 2004, Wetsus operates as a facilitating intermediary, promoting collaboration between public and private sectors, universities, and research institutes to develop innovative water technologies.

Mission and Vision

Wetsus aims to create a unique environment that fosters innovation in water technology. The organization’s vision emphasizes technologies that are:

  • Based on process technology
  • Potential breakthrough solutions
  • Emission-free
  • Part of a cradle-to-cradle cycle
  • Implementable by entrepreneurs in society.

Key Activities and Focus Areas

Wetsus conducts research across various domains within water technology, including:

  1. New Water Sources: Exploring innovative methods to source water, including desalination and rainwater harvesting.
  2. Sustainable Water Supply: Developing technologies to ensure a sustainable and safe water supply.
  3. Wastewater Treatment and Reuse: Innovating in wastewater treatment processes to enable reuse.
  4. Component and Energy Recovery: Focusing on the recovery of valuable components and energy from water.
  5. Detection of Pathogens and Pollutants: Improving methods for detecting pathogens and micro/nano pollutants in water.

Research and Development

Wetsus’ research program is guided by input from both the private and public sectors, emphasizing practical applications and innovations. The institution’s work is characterized by:

  • Collaboration with over 100 companies and numerous research institutes across Europe.
  • Publishing approximately 60 peer-reviewed articles annually, often in high-impact journals such as Energy & Environmental Science and Water Research.
  • PhD students being a central part of the research efforts, with an average of 4.3 publications per student.

Funding and Partnerships

Wetsus operates a collaborative funding model involving private sector companies and public research institutions. The annual budget for research is approximately €16 million, with significant contributions from industry partners.

Education and Entrepreneurship

Wetsus also plays a crucial role in education and entrepreneurship, offering business-oriented training and supporting PhD researchers. This includes involvement in projects like WaterSEED and EMPOWER, aimed at fostering the next generation of water technology experts.

Impact and Recognition

Wetsus is highly regarded for its contributions to sustainable water technology, with research frequently cited above the global average. The institution also emphasizes a pleasant and cooperative working environment, aligning with its core values of innovation, partnership, reliability, joy, and cooperation.

Website: https://www.wetsus.nl/

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