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In Gulou|4 houses! Gather and settle down!

Gather and settle down


The long siren spreads to the river with the early morning spring breeze.

Fully loaded with cargo, a bulk carrier unmoored and sailed away, cutting through the waves. The white characters “Nanjing Rongsheng Jinling” on the blue hull are looming in the sparkling waves and surging waves…

“We also have a new 52,500-ton ship under construction. When the shipping capacity reaches several levels, the orders will have to rise.” Orders are coming one after another, and good shipping news is coming frequently. Xu Hailong, the person in charge of Jiangsu Rongsheng Shipping Co., Ltd., the company that owns the freighter, showed the order information in his hand: “Riding on the east wind of Nanjing’s business environment, companies are running faster and faster.”

In the first quarter of this year, with the establishment of Jiangsu Rongsheng Shipping, shipping and logistics companies such as Jiangsu Hanyang Shipping, Jiangsu Pengyuan Shipping, and Jiangsu Lexheng Transportation also successively settled in Nanjing Gulou.

Behind this, it is inseparable from the comprehensive strength of Nanjing Shipping, Nanjing’s efforts to accelerate the construction of a regional shipping logistics center, and Nanjing’s goal of “grasping investment with one hand and business with the other” and striving to “attract investment”. “Year of Breakthrough” and a strong determination to promote investment in industrial clusters. “Work in Nanjing, venture in Nanjing, invest in Nanjing” has higher expectations and better prospects.

Like a fish in water

Build the company

Invest your future here

In 2022, Xu Hailong, the “second generation shipowner” who previously ran inland shipping with his father in his hometown in Henan, plans to set up a company to run shipping independently. The first 52,500-ton new ship has entered the shipyard’s processing workshop, but where does the company fall?

“Industries develop due to agglomeration. An industrial chain system with upstream and downstream supporting each other and a large market size allows enterprises to solve all problems at once at their doorstep and reduce operating costs. This is the key to attracting enterprises.” Nanjing City said Wang Wei, section chief of the Industrial Development and Investment Promotion Office of the Xiaguan Binjiang Business District Management Committee. Years of “soaking” among shipping companies have allowed the investment team, including Wang Wei, to better understand what companies want. When visiting, they first showed off the “golden sign” of Nanjing’s construction of a regional shipping logistics center, and then presented their own industrial clusters and related Policy “specialties”.

Nanjing Yangtze River International Shipping Center. (No. 110, 112, 116, and 118 Zhenghe Middle Road, Gulou District)

Xiaguan Binjiang is the “old wharf” where Nanjing opened its ports for trade, and is also the “new landmark” for the development of today’s shipping and logistics industry. Relying on the century-old history of shipping and commercial ports, more than 500,000 square meters of shipping industry carriers such as the Yangtze River International Shipping Center have been built and put into use, bringing together 11 shipping government service agencies, nearly 140 shipping service companies, and the China Classification Society Jiangsu The branch, Jiangsu Shipowners Association, Jiangsu Provincial Crew Service Association, Nanjing Shipping Chamber of Commerce and other professional service organizations are making every effort to build a shipping logistics service cluster oriented to the Yangtze River Basin and participate in the allocation of international shipping logistics resources, opening a new era of “secondary overseas travel” .

“We chose Nanjing because it has stronger comprehensive advantages.” After visiting several cities with developed shipping industries, Xu Hailong finally decided to settle in Nanjing. The company is located in the Yangtze River International Shipping Center.

Xu Hailong’s company settled in Gulou.

A ship connects multiple upstream and downstream links such as ship design and manufacturing, inland shipping, ocean shipping, port services, shipping technology, shipping finance, shipping management, and water services. Only beads can form a chain.

“Whether it is recruiting crew members or looking for sources of goods, ‘up and downstairs’ means ‘upstream and downstream’, and ‘left and right neighbors’ means ‘left and right banks.'” Xu Hailong said that the investment promotion staff took him to visit enterprises and government service agencies, and also I took him to the Jiangsu Shipowners Association to see the “mother’s family”. ” It ‘s easy to communicate when something happens. Just run between several buildings and everything can be solved.”

Completed the procedures in three days

“Doing business” in exchange for “winning business”

Although he deals with ships, Xu Hailong does not know how to set up a shipping company, obtain operating qualifications, and what materials are needed to complete the procedures. Time is also an issue.

“We have the transportation supply, now we are waiting for the operating qualifications to be obtained.” He frowned. “According to previous practice, you have to go to the Maritime Safety Administration to obtain the corresponding certificate before going to the transportation department to handle the relevant procedures. It is estimated that it will take a month. During this time, you cannot operate, but the operating cost of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan a day is indispensable. ”

At the beginning of this year, the investment team accompanied him on a trip to the Fifth Detachment of Nanjing Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Supervision Bureau. Xu Hailong’s shoulders felt a lot lighter.

It turns out that in order to optimize the business environment and shorten the time for approval procedures, some matters here have been pre-empted – before the completion of the company’s ship construction, through the government service linkage mechanism of the transportation and maritime departments, an item-based processing list will be provided to the company, explaining Process.

With the list in hand, the investment team “grabbed the medicine according to the prescription” and cooperated with Rongsheng to prepare all relevant materials to avoid “running around and changing them”. The transportation and maritime departments collaborated to form a business “relay”, and it took only three working days to complete the application for enterprise operation qualifications and ship operation qualifications.

Rongsheng’s services are accelerating. Faced with Hanyang Shipping, which is also looking for a place to settle, the efficiency of Nanjing’s certificate processing is even more “calculated”.

On February 7 this year, there were less than three days before New Year’s Eve (February 9). Facing companies that were still hesitant, the investment team issued a “military order” to “guarantee to obtain a business license within three days” and raced against time to get it. Chance. The Business District Management Committee urgently communicated with relevant departments such as the Administrative Approval Bureau and “snatched” the license within three days.

“I really didn’t expect it to happen so quickly.” Surprised, Dong Biao, general manager of Hanyang Shipping, became a fan and volunteered as a “investor” in Nanjing. During every business event, I never forget to enthusiastically recommend Nanjing. The news of “getting the certificate within three days, and gathering upstream and downstream people around” quickly spread in the shipping circle.

When someone asked him about it, Dong Biao shared his personal experience, introduced the local business environment, and briefly talked about some data on the company’s efficiency improvement and operational improvement, and the other party had an idea. The investment promotion team discussed again, and the “progress bar” quickly accelerated, and business partners including Pengyuan Shipping, Lexheng Transportation, etc. came to Ning to settle down.
A rising tide lifts all boats

Seize the industrial track

Sailing the “Golden Waterway”

Four companies, Rongsheng Shipping, Hanyang Shipping, Pengyuan Shipping, and Lexheng Shipping, each have a ship of more than 50,000 tons under construction or renovation. Why do these large shipping companies choose “Bojinling”?

The person in charge of the relevant city department said that Nanjing is the “world hub” and an important “world hub”. Nanjing is located at the intersection of the golden waterway of the Yangtze River and the Beijing-Shanghai artery. It has advantages such as port passages and regional integrated trunk roads. The flow of people and materials is smooth, and the power of the dual-circulation aorta is surging——

In 2023, Nanjing will open 3 new ocean routes , a record high , bringing the total number of ocean routes to 13 , and monthly container flights to 945 .

Photo courtesy of Nanjing Port (Group) Company

The navigation conditions of deep-water channels are constantly improving, and ships with a draft of 11.6 meters can reach Nanjing Port. Longtan Hub was approved as one of the first batch of port-type (production and service-type) national logistics hubs in the country, and Nanjing’s status as a comprehensive transportation hub continues to be highlighted.

Looking from the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, you can see boats thousands of miles upstream and hundreds of boats competing downstream. Nanjing explores the way to promote high-level opening up with institutional opening, and the momentum of administrative approval reform and innovation is like the rhythm of a rushing river——

In August 2019, Nanjing was approved as the Nanjing Area of ​​Jiangsu Pilot Free Trade Zone;

In October of the same year, the public service hall of the Nanjing Shipping Center in the Xiaguan Yangtze River International Shipping Service Cluster was opened.

Nowadays, when you walk into the public service hall of Nanjing Shipping Center, you will find that it has introduced shipping companies such as Nanjing Maritime Safety Administration, Nanjing Port Border Inspection Station, China Classification Society Jiangsu Branch, Nanjing Shipping Trading Center, and the Fifth Detachment of Nanjing Traffic Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau. The service window of the service management agency, as well as the Nanjing Maritime Court’s 24-hour trial workstation, Nanjing Arbitration Commission and other units, provide “one-stop” services for 46 major categories of port and shipping matters for the city’s port and shipping enterprises. Joy comes from near and far, sailing and racing, gathering development.

Relevant data shows that the world’s top 20 container liner companies such as COSCO Shipping Lines and Mediterranean Shipping Co., Ltd. operate in Nanjing. Nanjing gathers 11% of the province’s waterway transportation companies and 30% of the freight forwarding companies above designated size. Ocean, coastal, and inland river The deadweight tons of ships account for 82%, 39% and 6% of the province respectively.

Nanjing Port Longtan Container Terminal is a busy production scene. Correspondent Jiang Hao Nanjing Daily/Purple Mountain News reporter Photo by Xu Qi

In March this year, Nanjing issued the “Implementation Opinions of the Municipal Government on Accelerating the Construction of Nanjing Regional Shipping Logistics Center”, laying out the blueprint for a regional shipping and logistics center in 2035:

The cargo throughput of Nanjing Port reached 400 million tons;

Container throughput reached 6.3 million TEU;

Opened more than 20 near-ocean routes;

Cultivate 7-8 leading shipping companies with a waterway transportation turnover of more than 10 billion ton kilometers per year, and comprehensively form a development pattern of inland waterways linking trunk and branch lines.

Xu Hailong, whose father and son have been engaged in shipping for two generations, loves the Yangtze River and also loves life. In the photo album of my mobile phone, the most common things are my family and the waters I sailed on. “When our new ships are built, more ore, coal and other materials will arrive faster, and the economy along the way will be more prosperous.” He believes that more beautiful scenery is in the future.

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