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AVIO Aerospace Company is a significant participant in the European aerospace industry, engaging in the design, research, and production of rocket engines and aircraft engines. Our primary focus lies in manufacturing rocket engines. We company is a partner of the European Space Agency (ESA), participating in numerous rocket projects. We company is a partner of the European Space Agency (ESA), participating in numerous rocket projects.

Among the most famous are the engines for the “Ariane” series of rockets. With a long history, we initially specialized in aircraft engines and large marine engines. In the 1960s, we expanded into aerospace and underwent a series of adjustments, initiating the development of the Vega (Altair) small launch vehicle. In the 1960s, we expanded into aerospace and underwent a series of adjustments, initiating the development of the Vega (Altair) small launch vehicle. Currently, we are researching satellite propulsion systems and environmentally friendly propulsion fuels.

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