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2024 Nanjing Software Conference and Industrial Software Supply and Demand Conference opens

Nanjing Software Conference

On June 24, the 2024 Nanjing Software Conference and Industrial Software Supply and Demand Conference opened. Mayor Chen Zhichang, Deputy Director of the Information Technology Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Yang Yajun, Chief Engineer of the Fifth Electronic Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Wan Juyong, and Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology Zhang Xing delivered speeches, and Qian Dongping, Deputy Director of the Provincial Party Committee Financial Office, attended.

The conference was hosted by the Nanjing Municipal People’s Government with the theme of “Developing new tracks for key software to activate new momentum for the digital economy”. It invited well-known academicians, experts, and leading backbone enterprises in the software field to hold 6 special events and 11 industry exchange activities around key areas such as industrial software, artificial intelligence, and information technology application innovation.

For a long time, Nanjing has continued to deepen its software industry, resonating with new science and technology, new technologies, and new business formats, and has embarked on a development path from small to large, climbing high and pursuing new things, and constantly breaking through.

Chen Zhichang welcomed all the guests.

He said that at present, Nanjing’s software industry has entered a critical stage of transformation towards innovation and quality improvement. We will vigorously promote the integration of digital and real, the combination of software and hardware, grasp the trend of high-end development, and promote the accelerated breakthrough of key core technologies; seize the trend of intelligence, accelerate the deep transformation to “artificial intelligence +”; follow the trend of integration, better empower and increase efficiency for new industrialization; keep up with the trend of open source, shape an open and cooperative industrial ecology, and strive to create a trillion-level software and information service industry cluster to provide a new and powerful engine for cultivating and developing new quality productivity. It is hoped that this conference will gather cutting-edge information, showcase high-quality products, achieve extensive cooperation, and accelerate the breakthrough of new tracks for key software.

Yang Yajun said that software is an important foundation for the development of the digital economy. In recent years, the scale of my country’s industrial software industry has continued to grow, and key links have made landmark progress. In the next step, we will continue to consolidate the industrial foundation, accelerate the cultivation of an innovative ecosystem, accelerate the promotion of software standardization, continuously optimize the industrial environment, and promote high-quality development of the software industry. Nanjing is a famous software city in China, and industrial software is developing rapidly. We hope to better leverage our advantages to help my country’s software industry grow bigger and stronger.

Wan Juyong said that Jiangsu Industrial Software has continued to strengthen application innovation and promote high-quality development of the software industry from the aspects of talent training, intellectual property protection, and vocational education cooperation. Nanjing’s software industry has a solid foundation for development, and he hopes that everyone will take this conference as an opportunity to seize industry needs, share solutions, and reach cooperation intentions.

Zhang Xing said that Nanjing is the main force in the development of the province’s software industry. The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology will continue to support Nanjing in promoting the quality upgrade of the famous software city and creating a trillion-level industrial action, consolidating the advantages of industry application software, developing key areas such as industrial software and basic software, and establishing a complete software service ecosystem.

At the opening ceremony, the China Industrial Software Industry Development Research Report (2024), the Software Industry High-Quality Development Zijin Index (2024), and the Nanjing Industrial Software Support Policy were released, and the “Ningkaiyun” autonomous and controllable software development tool public platform, Nanjing Industrial Software Application Innovation Center, and Key Software Fund Club were launched. Some guests gave keynote speeches.

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